A small e-mail and a world of changes. My note to Johnny said in short: “I’m in a
smaller house, I’m no longer in my marriage and I’m within miles of Joshua Tree
National Park. There is room in the
house for a visitor. Let me know when
you can drop by.” Johnny died of cancer
shortly after our correspondence. I’m
happily remarried and living in a beautiful house—closer still to the National
Park. Sitting at my desk in 2006 I
couldn’t imagine how much could change in ten years.
Life can change on a dime.
For good and for bad. Out of the
blue my store director asked me if I’d manage the ‘new’ Coffee Bean kiosk. Change on a dime. A dalliance with E-Harmony led to
marriage. Change on a dime. The cough is cancer. Change on a dime. Christ comes like a thief in the night. Change on a dime.
“Will we see the sun at last? Or could this be our lot in
life?” I get stuck in a rut and think it
will never change. It is a battle to
gain correct perspective and look at the big picture. I can see the beautiful canvas for everybody
else-just not for myself.
If it’s looking like another hard day in a season of hard
days---I need to pull back and look back at the last year (or years). What positive things happened? What positively turned out? Not enough perspective? Read other people’s stories for hope (The Old
Testament is full of them. Or Instagram?) Then embrace the ups and hold-fast through
the downs. It may change on a dime.