They are here! Oh, brave new world, that has such creatures in it! It’s only a small step until they take my job away. It's scary, really scary! Hailey brought one into the house, an 'I-Dog.' "You bought a seeing eye-dog?," I said. That's the scary thing. People like me are clueless. Our children let them into our houses. They become comfortable with the whole idea of them in places of power, positions of trust. When we question why; how long will it be before they report us to them? And at what cost to our social and moral fabric?
Sure, I thought it was great when they were advertised as ‘The perfect partner,” and when they’d put E-Harmony out of business. It made sense, darn it! For a while it was great not to have to deal with all the emotional baggage. Finally, a partner who was consistently predictable and understood all my needs! Hardwired, baby!
But I truly did not know what could of come of it! I wish I’d gotten that insurance!
H/T Hot Air
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