Sunday, June 24, 2012

On Community-We Rub Shoulders and Bang Elbows

“From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”-Acts 17:26

God has placed me in the high desert. It isn’t my ideal choice of places to live. Last year I met a woman online. She lived near the beach. We fell in love. My daughter also lives in the high desert. When courting I asked said woman if she would move to the desert if we got married. We did and she did.

We attend a bible study with a small group of friends. Coincidentally (cough, cough) God moved them to the desert at the same time. Two were living in Arizona. Two were serving in the military. Two returned from the brink of disaster. God brought us together at the same small church. Somehow we click.

We are accountable to one another. Conferring about Christ we came to that conclusion. We rub shoulders and we bang elbows. We walk arm in arm. We hug and we hold to standards. We do it because we are one body. We provoke one another---to love and good deeds.

We broke early from study for a barbeque. The church body came together to eat, laugh and watch a movie. We talked of politics, jobs, social security; life in general. We told our stories. Where God had moved us from and where He is moving us to.

High desert living isn’t the first choice for many of us. The action of moving to another location would be easy. Far richer though to build bonds and celebrate community. For God has caused living water and pools of refreshment to flow from these. As the Psalmist has said, “the boundaries have fallen for me in pleasant places.”

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