Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Trouble With Technology

No need to get out of bed to see the mountains or face the morning.  All I need to do is turn on channel two.  The hotel I was at has a webcam to the outside world.  If I order in local food I really have no need to leave the room.  Technology can be great.  It can also work against you and separate you from reality and being in touch with your soul.

In the hotel room the air-conditioning is running and the bathroom fan is whirring.  My wife tells me it is good to have a bathroom fan.  I can not hear myself think.  I could go to the mountains (from whence my help comes) to meditate and find peace but like I said, there is no need since I have channel two. 

The social network consists of great tools to communicate and stay in touch with people.  Conversely one need never have a face to face interaction.  If you need to communicate you can text or message or tweet.  All quick and easy solutions. 

Our culture lives in stress mode.  We take in a significant amount of messages from the same social media.  We also get input from YouTube, Facebook, and news sources.  What we need most is to put away the technology.  We need to see the mountains.  It is crucial that we contemplate in quiet away from whirring and purring noises.  We are most likely to hear God in the quiet out of the way place.  We will best solve issues with our friends if we meet face-to-face.  Ultimately we must turn off the technological tools and step out of our comfort zone.  It is there our souls will be fed and we will make those connections that go deeper than the best technology can offer.

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