Saturday, April 06, 2013

Joy and Living Purposefully--The Wrestling

My thoughts today keep coming back to joy and living purposefully. Seems joy is easily lost if we base it on our current circumstance. My head hurts today, sinus’ are in an uproar (which would have been evident if you’d recorded my snoring last night) and lungs are tight which makes breathing tough. Easy to be grumpy for me but I try default to joy. Work is a struggle. Then I keep thinking about my sister-in-law and her cancer. Easy to question, harder to trust.

The flip side is coming home to the wife, the rose bush blooming along with the Lavender and Purple Robe. Cranking on my Squirrel Nut Zipper station on Pandora and listening to Glenn Miller and Satchmo warm the heart and restore perspective.

None of these things is permanent or guarantee deep soul stirring, gut affirming joy. I find that only in God’s character. Apart from God I can’t maintain joy—can barely do it with God (though that’s my fault not His.)

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