Thursday, November 07, 2019

Pistachios and Pretzels

A hint of cerulean clarity, scant sight of cobalt blue,
Through sliding glass, marred ocean view.
Stars hiding behind halide beams,
Pacific high caresses dreams,
Of pistachios and pretzels.

Duke Kahanamoku greets sunseekers all, tanning with flesh laid bare,
Coppertone zone, plastic chaise chair.
Coconut hides the salt-sea breeze,
Ocean billows roll smooth and tease,
Like pistachios and pretzels.

Mai Tais crave saliferous companions, not to drink but to chew,
Crisp finger-food, it’s what bars do.
Crunch hides in salty carapace,
Carb and protein a sweet embrace,
In pistachios and pretzels.

Sea of dark blue with gold authority, perused with fine tooth comb,
Full body check, not going home.
Rucksack hides detritus and goo,
TSA moves me from the queue,
For pistachios and pretzels.

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