Saturday, September 01, 2012

Let Us Not Give Up Meeting Together

I’ve heard it said by many people over many years. “I don’t need church. I watch preachers on Sunday morning. My Christianity is between me and God.” The words of people that lack depth and understanding. There is a strength and delight in meeting together as people of God whether it is in church or over dessert.

The wife and I have a commitment to, as she puts it, ‘walk alongside others.”  One of the traditions we are establishing is to have people out to the house for dinner. It is a continual surprise at the mix and stories people have about their own lives. We ask questions that elicit answers. “What brought you to the desert? How did you meet God? How did you meet your spouse?” Our guests have been dragged by trucks, shot out of airplane ejection seats, missed car-crashes, battled with sickness, struggled with alcoholism, been in love and met the Saviour. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

In coming together we are reminded that we are much more similar than we are different. The struggles we face are common. We are not alone with our financial struggles or health struggles. If we face these issues alone they chisel away at hope and rob us of stamina. We come together and hear stories from those that are on the upside of the trial. How do you think that makes us feel?

It is a hollow and emaciated Christianity that thinks church is a private event. It is the weak zebra that is eaten by the lion. It’s not much of a lunch after all seeing as it was sick and bare boned. Strength and succor come in the presence of the herd. This in part is why we meet together. For in meeting together we find friend, ward off foe and keep the darkness in perspective.

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.---Heb 10:25

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