Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Vindication-Elvis Rocks

I had this urge to crank some Elvis Costello all day today. All because at the coffee shop we put the name of the customer on the cup. "What's the name on that, please?"

So, got home and put on the CD. Hailey said, (say this with a sneer in your voice)"Who's this? I can't even understand what this guy's saying." She quickly started calling it Old People Music.

Tonight while at the supermarket she bought a People Special Collector Edition on the Jonas Brothers. Young People Music.

Guess whom one of the Jonas brothers listed as his favorite musician and inspiration?

1 comment:

Robert said...

Oh the joys of getting older. Be glad she doesn't like rap. That would just not be acceptable. I never got to be much of an Elvis Costello fan. Now his wife, that's a different story. I could listen to her all day.