Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Season To Assess Your Inner Little Drummer

It is the season to assess your inner ‘little drummer.’ Of all times of the year Christmas is a time when we buy and do things as response to outward pressure. Beyond Christmas comes the New Year where goals are written on a clean tablet. Amidst the noise it is easy to listen to the wrong voices and sing songs that don’t resonate with our innermost being. Let the archetypes of Christmas; the shepherds, the Magi and the Christ child speak to us of what is important and let us hearken to our heart.

The Christmas story is unabashedly hard and real. The rugged ride into Jerusalem and the unwelcoming, the trek of the Magi and the shepherds answer to the call were the responses of individuals that walked differently than those in their culture. Page after page the Bible is full of such people; Abrahams’ call out of Ur, Noah’s call into water and Esther’s calling of the king call us higher; to march to our own conscience and our own drum beat.

Each of us is on our own unique journey. Other folks can’t see inside us nor are they privy to the ins and outs of our everyday life. Deep is calling to deep. The challenge we face is to act in the fullness of who we are and what we deem as important. Our gift-giving, what we eat and don’t eat and how we choose to celebrate should reflect the people we are even if it ruffles some feathers along the way. We are in good company.

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