Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another Day at School: In Which Hailey Meets a Sociopath

If you want to find a way to get your girl to kiss you; be the big, strong protective guy in the relationship. I remember back during the Northridge earthquake, a huge mirror fell towards us while in bed; and I shielded my wife from its impact. Kisses and appreciation were the happy result of normal protective behavior.

As we’re walking out to the car, Hailey’s mom* says, “Hailey got hit by a rock today.”
To which I replied, “WHAT?!?”
Then her mom* said that some sociopath boy hit Hailey on the head with a rock. The boy is alternately called a sociopath and a psychopath by her mom. (I’m really am not sure at that point what the difference is. I looked it up later. A psychopath is a mean sociopath.) Not a huge rock, mind you. Maybe about as big as your fist. This would hurt your head even if said rock had not been hurled by a sociopath (psychopath?).

In this instance, Hailey’s mom and I were discussing the incident and what course we as parents should take. She said that she had the boy in her Special Ed class, and he was a sociopath, and we should talk to the Principal. I said, “How about if I just kick his ass?” Immediately, Hailey stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss right on my lips.

*My neighbor advises me that the correct title is "Hailey's mom" rather than, "My ex-wife," or, "My ex-wife -with added commentary." He says this helps shield the child from vindictiveness, or comments made to slight the other spouse. Rolls eyes.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Having studied Criminology and Corrections in college I finally have an opportunity to apply what I learned (some 13 years later). A psychopath (Jeffrey Dahmer) will most likely express remorse (yet will still continue) whereas the sociopath (O.J. Simpson, Scott Peterson) will not.

Your solution puts you in neither category fortunately! I hope Hailey doesn't expect you to wear a cape now that you're her hero.