Monday, September 15, 2008

Hailey for President; Yes, I REALLY Said That-Plus, Palin-Mania

So, Hailey asked me if I would vote for her for President of the U.S.A. if she ran (when she's older, of course). I hemmed and hawed, and said (wait for it), "I'm not sure. Probably not."

What kind of father would say such a thing? Gads! As Hailey told me, "Dad, aren't you supposed to say 'You can do anything you put your mind to'? Truth is, there's still some part of me that's uncomfortable with a woman in the role of President, or Prime Minister. I'm not saying that it's a good thing, or a right thing. It just happens to be where I'm at currently.

Ironically, the following day, McCain chose his running mate. Tonight, I went to get a burger at John's Place. The vivacious co-ed that took my order said, "People keep telling me that I look like Sarah Palin." Then she kept talking about Sarah Palin, and the elections, and her beliefs....Meanwhile, the waitress walks by (en route to a customer) and says, "Do you like Sarah Palin?" I nodded, or said yes, or something and she says, "I really like her....."

I've never seen anything like it. Palin-mania is truly everywhere. Amazing phenomena. That's a good thing for Hailey. She'll have a much better chance of getting into office now....even if her dad doesn't vote for her.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Palin mania is everywhere...except the liberal media that is. Over there she's the idiot that doesn't know what the Bush doctrine is. Apparenly the one who asked the question doesn't know either. Or at least he changes what it means from time to time.

Anyhow, vote for your kid dude!