Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Conversations With My Mom: On Aging

I talked with my mom tonight about getting old. We also talked about the invincibility of youth; how when you are young you think nothing bad can befall you.

" (During the war) I used to like to stay outside and watch the Russian bombs in Riga. My parents felt differently. They would come and drag me into the cellar.

One time, we were on a train, going somewhere, to nowhere. The train had red crosses on the top of it. Filled with refugees---the wounded.

I was laying down in the forest with this girl. I didn't really know her that well. She was a well established (well versed, well known--that's the gist of it) pianist. The Americans bombed the train. The bullet went straight out her hand and through her wrist......Maybe some 0f the trains with red crosses on them were'nt really what they said they were....this one sure was.

Even that didn't affect me. It was sad.

When you're older you have a different perspective. More fears."

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