Wednesday, November 26, 2008

E-Harmony and Thanksgiving

There I was filling out the “relationship profile” on E Harmony (not sure I'll use the service though, really) ; “Do you consider yourself attractive? (No), Is it important that your mate be attractive? (Yes), Are you afraid of doorknobs? (Decline to state). I came across this question which caused me to pause; Name 3 things that you are thankful for. My answer was:

The Outdoors: It reminds me that beauty and truth exist, inspires awe, and grounds me in perspective.
Friends: They make me laugh. They are my GPS on the road of life.
My daughter: She’s a blast!

The phone call came last week. My dads’ wife inviting the kid and I over for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is usually spent at my sisters’. Sis and hubby have different plans this year. No Thanksgiving at their house. Mixed feelings about going to dad and Ethels’.

The initial greeting we receive at my dad’s generally goes something like this, “Dillo, good to see you. Too bad about McCain and that moronic, unqualified moose hunting running-mate of his. We saved you and Hailey a seat---just go ahead and move that “We’re Pro-Choice” paperwork out of your way. Hey everybody, Dillo finally arrived. He voted for McCain.”

All of that said, I have three goals for Thanksgiving Day this year. I usually respond with sarcasm to the political and religious barbs. I want to respond with grace and honesty, because the barbs hurt and make me angry. I want to honor the holiday. So Hailey and I (hopefully) will take some time out to note the many ways we’ve been blessed; and to give thanks. Finally, I want to have an attitude of thankfulness. Each moment is filled with blessing and opportunity for awe.

Anyhow, off to dads’ tomorrow afternoon. I’m bringin my own coffee too. That’s one of the other difficulties this year; instant coffee and (only) diet sodas. Rough life. Overall, looking forward to the celebration and the family time.


Grafted Branch said...

Hug on 'em if they'll have you. Trust me. It's all good.

I hope you and your daughter--the blast!--will have a blessed Thanksgiving. And that others will be blessed *by* you.

Robert said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend. There's always a tension free Christmas in which to look forward.

Robin said...

I hope your holiday went better than expected and was in fact full of welcome and care.