Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pulling a Burt

“The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them….For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.-C.S. Lewis, “A Mind Awake”

The power of music. I’ve spent the week seized and obsessed with the soundtrack from Last of the Mohicans. I once had a roommate who would often play a single track from a CD over and over, driving my roommates and myself to madness. We still refer to such behaviour as “pulling a Burt”. So it is that I have got caught up this week. I think it’s a combination of moods; I am provoked to praise, to pray, to fight, to love and to meditate; all springing from the same well.

Similarly, it was Third Day’s song, “Cry Out to Jesus” that was instrumental ☺ in my breaking into tears, crying out to God and reassessing my life in 2005. Profoundly personal, profoundly powerful. But maybe I’m one of the few who gets so strangely obsessed. That being the case, I’ll write more later. I have to go “pull a Burt.”

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