Thursday, September 06, 2007

Quote of the Month/ Thoughts on Journalling

I came across this one in an old journal:

"I have oft said that if a man makes decisions based upon truth, if he prays-then goes; it, whatever he has put his hand to the plough to do, is not a mistake."

Additionally, in 1990 in my journals I had a daily habit of listing 3 things that I was thankful for. Don't know why I stopped doing that. Interesting to see now the things that I listed then.


Robert said...

More interesting would be if you shared some of those things in which you were thankful for! Sounds like a good practice to get in. Might keep me from complaining so much.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Robert on this--wouldn't it be great if we not only made ourselves aware each day (or regularly, anyway) of that for which we are thankful, but shared it with others, too. Could even be just a little separate column or box somewhere on your blog's page--"the daily 3" or something like that. Excellent idea, Robert!