Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Remembrance....Rich Mullins

"After hearing yourself night after night, it's hard to imagine that anything you'd have to say would be worth listening to."

"I don't think I really understood poverty at all until I met these kids---the poverty of those who go to bed hungry and the poverty of those who sleep with indifference. Wealth can't be defined in terms of what we have, but only in terms of how free we are to give and take."
I came across this memorial post to Rich Mullins today. Mainly, I say, "Amen." While there are a number of Christian individuals and groups that I listen to and like; there are only a few artists that I think have known the heart of God, re Exodus 33, " Then Moses said, " I pray You, show me Your glory!"

The two that have most influenced me and moved me through their music are Keith Green and Rich Mullins. Oddly enough, they both died early in life; Keith in a plane crash, and Rich in a car crash.

"No wonder we love these moments and want them to linger. But for now they can't, so we must let them go. They are the flicker of some holy flame, a twinkling of an eye wherein the dead come alive again. Remember then, thank the Lord for them, but move on into the next moment and be present in it. It is God's present to you."-Rich Mullins, from his essay, Momentary Pleasures.


Anonymous said...

A great post! I loved the quote at the end from Rich. "They are the flicker of some holy flame..." - that really describes Rich Mullins, doesn't it? How he always wrote such prophetic words, it's like he knew he had a short time on earth.

What is it with us? We're drawn to incredible musicians who die tragic deaths.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I have to just point out that you obviously have more NW connections that you may have thought (I see that Jennifer is also in Oregon). Yet another reason to pack up and move North.