Sunday, September 23, 2007

She Does Dishes, Holds My Hand, And Brings Me My Coffee

"I want an Oompa Loompa, and I want it now!" Any kind of maid, or servant, or something to help out with the chores would be great. And what if she made you coffee too? I mean, heck, I figure I spend roughly 18 hours a year making coffee at home. And I spend too much time doing the dishes. I hate doing the dishes. I hate washing them. I hate putting them away.

But what if there were something, someone, who could do your dishes, brew your coffee, bring it to you in your home office.......Add to that some hand holding when you need it; plus artificial intelligence.....Deep discussions over a cup-a-joe....Though it borders on the Twilight Zonish, I'm running out to the store to buy me one of these......

h/t Hot Air

1 comment:

Robert said...

Ya, a little too Twilight Zonish! Perhaps I have a better suggestion. How about a local coffee shop? You won't have to do dishes or make coffee. You'll have opportunity for plenty of deep discussion. I just can't promise you that you'll find suitable hand holding encounters.