Friday, September 06, 2013

Personal Growth Is a Three-Fold Process

Where does the Professor who is top in his field go for advice? It seems that he must both be surrounding himself with peers that wrestle with ideas and theories and he must be constantly reading. Ever reading and wrestling seem the only way to keep from growing stagnant.

Becoming Christian in California spoiled me. I had multiple opportunities to listen to the best of Bible teachers both live and on the radio. Attending seminary and church gave additional chances to soak in scripture. My wife had similar experiences in Huntington Beach. Having been raised in such fertile soil we desire this depth all the time. Though a great desire I am not certain it is a good goal.

If we are diligent there comes a time that we will cease to be students and become peers with our teachers. At that point we mustn’t bemoan the fact that there is little new to challenge us. We must take it upon ourself to seek out those with like hearts. We must cry to the Creator to answer that deep longing in our hearts. We must continually expose ourselves to those that have gone before as well. Though they be dead their thinking will most likely have gone deeper than ours ever will.

The challenge then falls upon our shoulders for depth. In that seeking we will also become the teachers. So growth is finally a three-fold process, reading, wrestling and teaching. It is therein that we find our fulfillment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 things I have to say: 1) when do we EVER get to a point where we feel that there are no more challenges? And 2) we are always both teachers and students at the same time. I think the point you describe (shifting from one role to the other) is the point whe we realize that duality and choose intentionally to embrace the one we didn't know we had within us until that moment, but we should never cease to be both student and teacher in our lives.
