Monday, June 25, 2012

Moments of Delight

After work yesterday I settled into the couch. A breeze blew in through the screen door, the sun sat low on the horizon lighting up the yard while not blazing in heat and whiteness. I felt my body creating the perfect dent in the pillows. It was a wonderful moment.

Healthy people enjoy those moments. Those off-balance power through those moments and miss them completely. Those moments of delight are what keep one healthy and thankful.

The events that make up moments of delight don’t depend on us but rather come to us through nature, others and the gentle hand of a loving Father. They are gentle reminders that we can’t claim credit for the truly good stuff and we shouldn’t stress about the horrible stuff that happens.

I wonder if I can train myself to notice the moments more. Can I let the silence lure me into quiet meditation. Can I be refreshed on the bend of a cool breeze? After a work day filled with frustration and anger can I let the stress seep out at the laughter of another?

I will think about that tomorrow. Let me look for the moments of enchantment and find joy in the small surprises the day brings. I know it will bring the right perspective. I need only bring a students’ attitude and a heart ready to receive joy.

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