Monday, October 08, 2012

How Deep Does The Lion Roar?

Half a century of Octobers I’ve felt this way. This month provokes or exacerbates the warrior in me. I’m tempted to think something primal happened one October in my past. It could be the change in weather. In expectation I wait for rain and snow. I know October will bring howling wind instead. The rain and snow, the cold and crisp meet and ignite the warrior.

If spring is a season of renewal perhaps fall is one of meditation. It’s sit on the porch with cup of coffee and calculate the slant of the rain weather. Its time to grab a thermos, hat and backpack and head out to Joshua Tree. In an odd juxtaposition for my heart and soul the spirit thinks deeper when the legs are working harder. Perhaps it is this contrast between cold and comfort which calls into contrast normal life and desire.

Seems God set October up as an in-between month. Summer is over. The soul quiets for a season of meditation. The meditation leads right up to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving leads us into Christmas.

Christmas is juxtaposition also; crying baby and suffering servant, shepherds and sheep, roaring Lion, Lamb of God. In the cold and crisp I consider these realities. In the words of Kim Hill, “Inside of you, how deep does the Lion roar?”

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