Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What The Locusts Have Eaten

My family of origin came with baggage galore. This left me with big holes where others had complete selves. Like a crop gorged by locusts areas were dry and barren. God knew my initial family wouldn’t cut it so he filled in the holes through other families. In fifth grade I met my friend Keith. His family was intact with two parents, two sisters and two brothers. This family modeled for me much that I had never experienced.

I’d never experienced a father that was involved intricately with his children. I’d never experience physical hugs. There were many blanks that got filled in and the largest was the God blank. This substitute family went to church, said ‘grace’ at dinner and talked about God in their daily lives. All alien concepts.

Forty years later and the holes are being filled in again. In the last four years my father and mother have passed away and my sister has gone rogue. Today was spent with the mother and father of my bride along with my brother in law and family. We played Ticket to Ride, went swimming, at chili and talked about life. There are times our eyes gloss over the promises of God though our heart cries out. It is said that God will redeem the years the locusts have eaten. Today the field looked green and fruitful.

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