Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Caps and Tats, Baristas And Bartenders

There’s something about a coffee house or bar; baristas and bartenders in caps and tats, Celtic folk music streaming on the radio, wood everywhere and the strong smell of roasted bean or fermented hops. Beside the aesthetic there is lurking a sense of hidden adventure; guy gets girl, robber gets dragon, individual finds heart.

This is the setting where hero meets his sidekick; Hans Solo and Strider, music blaring, ale flowing and adventure just outside the door. As I sit and drink roasted coffee in heavy mug it is easy to dream that there is more than my mundane life.

No surprise that folks flock to the local brew house looking for Wi-fi so they can connect up their media and escape the world outside. There is a magic in these places which even cast it’s spell on my wife and I during courtship. Most dates concluded in a coffee house as we imbibed hot coffee and shared heart to heart waiting for the furtherance of the adventure.

So I still am ensnared by the magic of the Public meeting house. For I know that a heart warmed here by beer or brew is now ready for the adventure that waits outside. The missing heart will be found, the dragon slayed and the princess married so I put my two dollars in the jar and kick back with my coffee.

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